IPA: sˈeɪɫz
- The activities involved in selling goods or services.
- The amount or value of goods and services sold.
- A surname from Catalan.
Examples of "sales" in Sentences
- LEAD: Nintendo's April-December profits, sales drop on slower Wii sales+ photo: Creative Commons/TC411-507
- If, on the other hand, the fall in sales is due to a shortage of supply while there is ample demand, then prices will rise as quantities fall.
- But it should be easy -- at least for an average parrot -- to tell whether a fall in sales is due to a shortage of supply or a shortage of demand.
- If a fall in sales is due to a shortage of demand while there is ample supply, then, as quantities fall relative to trend, prices will fall as well.
- For GM, the June swoon has an added peril: Without a sales surge in the next few days, it risks losing its U. S.-sales crown to Toyota Motor Corp. for the month.
- You must remit sales tax on all sales of tangible personal property from an event at a Michigan location to an end user (\ "retail sales\") at the rate of 6 percent.
- For SchoolFest matinee and general group sales, including home-school groups, call NCSF's Administrative Offices, at 841-2273, ext. 226, or e-mail sales@ ncshakes. org.
- "For GM, the June swoon has an added peril: Without a sales surge in the next few days, it risks losing its U. S.-sales crown to Toyota Motor Corp. for the month," the paper says.
- In addition, the 30 key local brands, which represented 22% of Group sales over the 1st half-year 2009/10, confirmed their resilience at a time of crisis, with stable volume and sales*.