
IPA: sˈeɪɫzmʌnʃɪp


  • The skills and knowledge of how to sell.
  • (UK, marketing, business) A position as salesman.

Examples of "salesmanship" in Sentences

  • "Refined selling," some of the girls call the salesmanship which they learn in Mrs. Prince's class.
  • Personal diplomacy may be one of George Bush's great strengths as President; car salesmanship is not!
  • Some intermediaries justify this by providing benefits, such as salesmanship, advertising or transport.
  • I thought it was really a terrific piece of political salesmanship, which is what you're supposed to be doing in a campaign.
  • All of this shows that salesmanship is still one of the prime motivating forces in our economic life, a lesson that Mr. Ballon probably learned at Harvard.
  • And by "salesmanship," I mean the ethical, professional, kind -- NOT the kind of salesmanship that has lead to the popular notion of the real estate professional
  • Our concepts tend to revolve around the notion of salesmanship, that is, pressing a "product" which has been manufactured elsewhere, onto a "market" that may be resistant to it.
  • For, the decisive argument against all the techniques that play with works of art as if they were objects of salesmanship is that there is no substitute for the pleasures of discovery.
  • One cannot make the most effective use of his capabilities, he cannot create and control his chances to succeed, until he develops skill in salesmanship, which is necessary to market his qualifications profitably.
  • Thus while agricultural products and raw materials from our mines and forests continue to dominate the list of goods shipped to world markets, aggressive salesmanship is demonstrating that it is possible to sell an increasing variety of manufactured goods abroad.

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