IPA: sˈeɪɫzwʊmʌn
- A woman whose occupation it is to sell things.
Examples of "saleswoman" in Sentences
- "Cash!" called the saleswoman, tapping on the counter with her pencil.
- Instead, she was a saleswoman and the product she was hawking was herself.
- Celma de Almeida, a garment saleswoman, says she didn't like the capivari at first.
- No girl, not even Dora Stein herself, would dare risk offending any other of the floorwalkers, men able to break a saleswoman if they "got
- Imaginechina/ A saleswoman, right, showed clay rabbits to a customer at a shop in Jinan, east China's Shandong province, on Sept. 1.
- The scene contains elements of a fairy tale: the saleswoman is dressing Cinderella for her assignation with the prince, who has no idea at all that she is coming.
- This ferocious love of pleasure was perhaps best articulated by a New York saleswoman who helped many of these women prepare for nights out: “You see some of those who have complained about standing spend most of the evening in dancing.”
- I strongly take issue with a college admissions officer's categorization of me as a "saleswoman" who provides a frivolous service ( "unnecessary orthodontia") to students applying to college ( "Independent Counsel," by Nicholas Confessore, October Atlantic).