
IPA: sˈeɪɫjʌnsi


  • the quality of being salient; salience

Examples of "saliency" in Sentences

  • In the years since, the saliency of fiscal matters decreased, and we kicked our entitlement problems down the road.
  • The 2010 midterms might well mark a high point in the saliency of fiscal issues, so if there is ever a time to double down on them, it's now.
  • This vision of a proto-Tamburlaine has had an increased saliency in the wake of Western involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan — regions where Alexander did indeed spill a good deal of blood.
  • For me, these two definitions do not just create a crossroads of meaning when intersected but more so, the saliency of the connection is that one is a mircocosm standing in for the macrocosm.
  • I wonder if the apparent saliency this “efficacy testing is rationing” concept has for wingnuts is related to a belief in useless alternative “therapies” like crystals, colloidal silver, homeopathy, and so on.
  • It is hard to argue with his propo sition that the powerful emotional saliency moral issues have for us, and their connection to serious matters of social organization and conflict—sex, territory, possessions, reciprocity, kinship—point to a hard-wired evolutionary adaptation of group-dwelling animals.
  • The saliency of this need is no less apparent now, when we are fighting a war in Central Asia and globally against Islamist terrorists, facing an increasingly ambitious China, dealing daily with securing the great commons of the sea, space, and cyberspace, witnessing continuing instability in the Middle East, and may soon face not one but two rogue regimes armed with nuclear weapons.

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