IPA: sˈæɫʌveɪt
- (intransitive) To produce saliva.
- (intransitive) To show eager anticipation at the expectation of something.
Examples of "salivate" in Sentences
- Studio execs 'salivate' as the $15,000 horror film makes $7m on its opening weekend
- However, now that I'm living in the frozen north, the thought of it is making me salivate.
- That sort of socialist sloganeering makes Berlusconi's base of businessmen recoil and his political advisers salivate.
- In terms of raw numbers, the only new broadcast success has been NBC's legal drama Harry's Law, though most of its viewers are beyond the 18-49-year-olds over whom networks and advertisers salivate.
- “This expat Texan lovingly describes her quest to find and re-create the food she loves so much — BBQ, fried chicken, and Tex-Mex … and her post on classic Tex-Mex tacos made me salivate, which is what a good food blog should do.” —
- Thus if the spoils of desktop browser wars was the soul of the Internet, then the coming war will be for the soft, pliant heart of the social web; it all comes down to distribution and sticky eyeballs synapsed to clicky-clicky fingers over which advertisers and their kin salivate and jerk off.
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