
IPA: sˈæɫʌvˈeɪʃʌn


  • The process of producing saliva; drooling.

Examples of "salivation" in Sentences

  • He termed the salivation prior to eating "psychic secretion" in his early scientific journals.
  • Thus on the slender basis of the conditioning of reactions such as salivation and simple movements, of
  • 'salivation': "An abnormally increased secretion and flow of saliva, especially when due to the effects of drugs, as mercury."
  • In his conditioning experiments he did not confine himself to reactions such as salivation but met with some success in conditioning motor re - sponses as well.
  • As Maggie is straight, we were trying to hide our salivation, that is until she started talking about the costume party she went to in her genuine Catholic Schoolgirl uniform and pigtails.
  • If it is reactions such as salivation, knee-jerks, and simple motor skills, which were the main field of interest amongst behaviorists, introspective reports may not be of great significance.
  • Somehow, the color and the flavor become mixed in my perception so that the depth of the fragrance mingles with the richness of color and incites me to salivation, both physically and mentally.
  • He has been pulled much back by the operation of his quicksilver, which flung him into a severe looseness and kind of salivation: it weakened him much and kept him from the air, but it brought off a great load of black stuff from his stomach, and his spirits are exceedingly better.

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