IPA: sˈæmʌgʌndi
- A food consisting of chopped meat and pickled herring, with oil, vinegar, pepper, and onions.
- Hence, any mixture of various ingredients; an olio or medley; a potpourri; a miscellany.
Examples of "salmagundi" in Sentences
- I shall dress her a dish of salmagundi — I shall cook a hash — compound a stew — toss up an OMELETTE
- Go ahead and act like you know what a salmagundi is while you run to get the dictionary or google the definition.
- A tablespoon of this and a teaspoon of that and I soon had a fragrant salmagundi redolent with flavors that bespoke romantic evenings in Marrakech.
- He danced the Lancashire clog-hornpipe; he rattled out puns and conundrums; yet did he contrive to infuse into all this mummery and buffoonery, into this salmagundi of the incongruous and the
- Everytime I glance at the TV schedule it is enough to make me feel that I would rather go out and shoot pictures of clouds than stay in and watch the dismal salmagundi of game shows, repeats, and soap operas.
- The big mistake the author is making, of course, is that the place he is happy to be destined for in the next life will probably be chock full of the clerical salmagundi he, understandably, wants to avoid in this.
- Normally I am suspicious of domestic perfection, but with the holiday chaos and the unexpected visitors pouring in, it would have been nice not to have had to apologize for the snarled salmagundi of unfinished decorating.
- The list of these offerings goes on for pages and shows how faithful to the medieval kitchen France was as late as 1547, when this book appeared.44 There are cold roast loins of veal spiced with powdered sugar, salmagundi, blood puddings, pork chops with onion sauce, pasties, tarts, comfits, and clotted creams.