
IPA: sˈæmʌnɪd


  • A fish of the Salmonidae family.


  • Of or pertaining to fish of the salmon family (Salmonidae), including salmon, trout, chars, freshwater whitefishes and graylings.

Examples of "salmonid" in Sentences

  • "salmonid" habitat is needed to protect these species.
  • Region 4: Northern Québec and Labrador salmonid and pike populations
  • Blue Ridge streams have a distinct fish fauna, with some containing brook trout, the only salmonid native to Tennessee.
  • In particular, salmonid biomass in nutrient-poor environments varies with nutrient levels, habitat type, and discharge [9].
  • Declines in salmonid populations have been severe throughout the ecoregion and basin-wide; however, a few aquatic strongholds and areas of very low road densities still persist within the ecoregion.
  • Withdraw all timber sales in roadless areas, late successional reserves, and key salmonid watersheds in the Siskiyou Nation Forest, including the Mineral Fork, Quosatana Roadless Area, and Smith River National Recreation Area timber sales.
  • Yes | No | Report from joey wrote 2 years 10 weeks ago ha, you guys are funny. i already AM IN ARGENTINA!!! and loving every minute of it. where can i post a photo of a 40 pound dorado that will eat any salmonid's lunch and the salmonid, too?!!
  • Some taxonomic groups are particularly species rich in a global context: any impact of climate warming on such species, for example, willows (Salix spp.), sawflies, stoneflies, wading birds, and salmonid fish, is likely to affect their diversity at the global level.
  • That is, most of the salmonid fishes found in the Arctic, and several species of other families, use marine environments extensively for summer feeding and, in some instances, for substantial portions of their life history (e.g., much of salmon life history occurs in marine waters).
  • Mongolian Taimen: They're the largest member of the salmonid family and to catch one, you need to be guided on camel back by a Sherpa or some such over Siberian peaks to rivers with names that sound like they're from the 1988 film "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" (gimme props for a severely off-the-wall movie reference!)

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