IPA: sˈæɫpʌ
- salp
Examples of "salpa" in Sentences
- Sarpa salpa are a popular dish in many Mediterranean restaurants.
- In 2006 two men, one aged 90, were hospitalized in the south of France after eating sarpa salpa.
- A new scientific study in the journal Clinical Toxicology reports on two men who suffered long, bad trips after eating Sarpa salpa fish in Mediterranean restaurants.
- Please help me name them I would greatly appreciate the education for myself and others! thanks!) bukva salpa usata cipal cipal - gray mullet sardela sardela (sardine) tuna
- Sarpa salpa, a species of sea bream now found in British waters, occasionally accumulates a powerful psychoactive compound called indole in its head, which can lead to ichthyoallyeinotoxism, or hallucinogenic fish poisoning.