IPA: sˈɔɫtʌd
- To which salt has been added.
- (South Africa, archaic) Of an animal, vaccinated against or having recovered from a disease.
Examples of "salted" in Sentences
- Boil potatoes in salted water until tender but not mushy, about 8-10 minutes.
- Blanch the asparagus in salted boiling water until tender (This only takes about 1 minute).
- For chanterelles, you have to blanch them in salted boiling water for a few seconds before sauteing.
- Bakalao, which I know as salted, dried cod, looked the most interesting to me, especially since the menu said it was fried and served with skordalia.
- I always liked taking the fillets and letting them sit in salted water for 2-3 days then cutting the fillets into the size of small chicken breast and soaking them in italian dressing for an hour in the fridge then wrapping one or two pieces of bacon around them and grilling them
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