IPA: sˈɔɫtin
- (Canada, US) A thin, crisp, salted, customarily white-colored cracker; a soda cracker; a soda biscuit.
Examples of "saltine" in Sentences
- HE dumps salt on almost everything, even saltine crackers.
- Bring some kippered herring with some saltine crackers ... and oh man, I have a meal!
- Halophiles (halophilic bacteria) - these only thrive in a salty environment, such as saltine lakes.
- Hope, with Joy perched on her hip, crossed to my nightstand and placed a package of saltine crackers next to the water glass.
- Best Use Very creamy and smooth, it's ideal spread on easily breakable saltine crackers, delicate crumpets or thin, crisp toast.
- I remember how my grammy would take the little packets of saltine crackers from the restaurant table much to my utter mortification "just in case."
- Lots of great recipes ... one of my simple favorites is to cube them in small chunks, dip them in egg/milk batter and then roll the chunk in crushed saltine crackers with lemmon pepper.