IPA: sˈɔɫtinʌs
- The property of being, or tasting, salty.
Examples of "saltiness" in Sentences
- "saltiness" to the dish, so you can use less of the real stuff.
- Rather, it is the plain, perfect freshness of the floury saltiness which is so nice.
- Despite the problems they are quite delicious and the saltiness is a fantastic addition!
- Coarse salt has a more noticeable saltiness, so add just a little when you start to mix up your batch, and add more to taste.
- The winds blowing mildly off the Gulf of Mexico which was far down from the river contributed the most subtle kind of saltiness to the air.
- Don't be put off by the anchovies - you don't end up with a fishy taste, they just dissolve and impart their special kind of saltiness to the dish - you won't need to salt the dish when you use the anchovies.