IPA: sɔɫtwˈɑtɝ
- Alternative form of salt water [Any water containing dissolved salt; brine.]
- New Keynesian or Keynesian, in reference to macroeconomics and economics departments on the East Coast and West Coast of the United States of America.
Examples of "saltwater" in Sentences
- And then I soak them in saltwater over night before cooking or freezing.
- Fluger, I know we have trout in saltwater (I caught a 25 incher.) but ya GO TEBOW!!!!!
- Thanks matouse, but Im looking for any other areas that hold brookies in saltwater marsh enviroments.
- Not all nasty and stinky, lasts longer than anything else in saltwater, protects for longer in any kind of sun.
- All Replies from redneck Rob wrote 19 weeks 6 days ago hey man i would go with a uglystick for fresh water but not sure i could help u out in saltwater
- Few countries in the world face as immediate a threat from climate change as the Republic of Maldives, a low-lying group of atolls in the Indian Ocean whose coastline is eroding and whose water supplies are now being infiltrated by saltwater from the sea.