
IPA: sʌɫutʌtɔri


  • (chiefly US) A greeting; an address, speech or article of greeting; the first editorial by the new editor of a newspaper or periodical; an introduction or preface.
  • (obsolete) A place for saluting or greeting.


  • Characteristic of or relating to a salutation or greeting.

Examples of "salutatory" in Sentences

  • “Had the story not had such a salutatory effect on you, I might apologize.”
  • "Not every development since Watergate in American politics has been salutatory," said Kaine.
  • Brown; music, "Battle Hymn"; salutatory, "Woman and Philanthropy," Mrs. Elizabeth Boynton Harbert; "Historical Record of the Educational
  • My grandmother was a Hull House child and my family's rise from poverty can be attributed directly to the salutatory influence of Jane Addams.
  • Eating together also has other salutatory effects, such as lower incidences of dieting and extreme weight control behaviors such as purging, or use of laxatives, diuretics or diet pills.
  • We expect that his path and that of the Bodhidharma will intersect, but while the anticipation of that intersection does supply some tension, the salutatory structure is perhaps the novel's only real weakness.

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