
IPA: sɑɫvˈiniʌ


  • A fern of the genus Salvinia.

Examples of "salvinia" in Sentences

  • It's already a Class C misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $500, to transport giant salvinia and other invasive species.
  • AUSTIN -- A South American lake weed known as giant salvinia is posing a huge threat to the Texas ecosystem, officials warned Thursday.
  • Somewhere along the way, invasive plant species such as hydrilla and giant salvinia took up residence, threatening to choke the lake and its creatures to death.
  • While this is going on, it shows oil palm and a lot of wildlife and plants - most of which are not found in Malaysia an iguana, hummingbirds, salvinia water plant - I'm not even sure that the particular leaf-cutting ant pictured is one found in Malaysia, although I could be wrong about that.
  • The spread of invasive alien species is a global phenomenon that is increasing with the spread of aquaculture, shipping, and global commerce; examples include the pan-tropical weeds salvinia and water hyacinth that originated in South America but that are now widely distributed across the tropics.
  • This increase will allow Interior to participate in the control and management of tamarisk and giant salvinia in the southwest; conduct ballast water research; control and eradicate nutria in the Chesapeake Bay and in Louisiana; plan early detection and rapid response to eradicate outbreaks of sudden oak death in eastern hardwood forests of the central Appalachian
  • At this funding level, Interior will participate in the control and management of tamarisk and giant salvinia in the southwest; conduct ballast water research; control and eradicate nutria in the Chesapeake Bay and in Louisiana; plan early detection and rapid response to eradicate outbreaks of sudden oak death in eastern hardwood forests of the central Appalachian Mountains; and develop a marine invasive species early detection warning system.

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