IPA: sʌmˈɛriʌm
- A chemical element (symbol Sm) with an atomic number of 62, a moderately hard silvery metal that slowly oxidizes in air.
Examples of "samarium" in Sentences
- Fortunately a team from the University of Maryland has discovered a cleaner replacement for PZT, bismuth samarium ferrite (BSFO).
- China controls up to 97% of world production of these elements — which include samarium, scandium and yttrium — and its export quotas for this year are nearly exhausted.
- It sold neodymium and samarium, which form the basis of extraordinarily powerful magnets needed for precision-guided missile systems and the batteries used in hybrid or electric vehicles.
- LEMON cerium germanium gold hafnium iodine iron lanthanum neodymium phosphorus praseodymium protactinium samarium scandium silver sulphur thorium titanium uranium vanadium yttrium zirconium
- After receiving his M.S. he stayed on at Tsinghua University as a research assistant of Professor C.H. Wong and carried out the x-ray structure determination of tricyclopentadienyl samarium.
- This resulted in geochemists realizing that the Earth, the Moon, and Mars all have lithic compositions that contain anywhere from five to eight percent more neodymium and samarium than the chondritic meteorites do.
- A closer comparison and analysis of the two very similar elements samarium and neodymium followed, as their half-lives provide insight that allow geochemists to mentally reconstruct the formation of the solar system.