IPA: sæŋktʌfaɪd
- Made holy; set aside for sacred or ceremonial use.
Examples of "sanctified" in Sentences
- That's what I call sanctified assurance -- gall masquerading as grace.
- The nature of man, if it be not sanctified, is the worst nature in the world next to that of devils.
- In those days, all the so-called sanctified people we called ourselves the saints had was home, work, and church.
- It seems rather to be understood of the struggles that are maintained between grace and corruption in sanctified souls.
- Sanctification, or the setting apart from the world, and adoption into the Church: so "sanctified" is used 1Co 7: 14; Joh 17: 19.
- Yet I have no doubt that Moses, by adding the word sanctified, wished immediately to explain what he had said, and thus all ambiguity is removed, because the second word is exegetical of the former.
- It would come to him in a word, a word sanctified upon the land by the memory of a thousand sacrifices and a thousand struggles, the only word that held magic for his race, the one word -- Redemption!
- Usually, even those whose riper years are attended with toils and perils have a peaceable and quiet infancy; but it was not so with the blessed Jesus: his life and sufferings began together; he was born a man striven with, as Jeremiah was (Jer.xv. 10), who was sanctified from the womb, Jer. i.
- On the other hand, there are many Christians who, for want of honest looking into their own power, for want of what I call sanctified originality, are content to run in the ruts that other people's vehicles have made, without asking themselves whether that is the gauge that their wheels are fit for.
- He was exceedingly fair; his face began to shine as soon as he was born, as a happy presage of the honour God designed to put upon him; he was asteios to Theo -- fair towards God; he was sanctified from the womb, and this made him beautiful in God's eyes; for it is the beauty of holiness that is in God's sight of great price.
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