IPA: sˈæŋkʃʌn
- An approval, by an authority, generally one that makes something valid.
- A penalty, punishment, or some coercive measure, intended to ensure compliance; especially one adopted by several nations, or by an international body.
- A law, treaty, or contract, or a clause within a law, treaty, or contract, specifying any of the above.
- (transitive) To ratify; to make valid.
- (transitive) To give official authorization or approval to; to countenance.
- (transitive) To penalize (a state etc.) with sanctions.
Examples of "sanction" in Sentences
- Whether the sanction is historically regarded as a punishment?
- What sanction is there to stop the chavs behaving exactly as they wish?
- Palin, unlike the author of the above article, probably knows there's more than just the one definition of the word "sanction".
- Consequently bogeyman excuses are co-opted to obtain sanction for this unethical abrogation of a natural right even more fundamental than liberty.
- "This sanction is consistent with our honor code for students and its emphasis on education, reflection and ultimately restoration to an honorable place in our community."
- Levey and Cohen acknowledged that America's adversaries are continuing to adapt to U.S. financial measures and that the ultimate impact of long-term sanction campaigns remains unclear.
- "If you want to send a tanker filled with refined petrol to Iran, and you have proved that you are not carrying any other goods that we deem illegal, Europe has no problem," said a high European official who specializes in sanction policies who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.