IPA: sˈændstɔrm
- A strong wind carrying clouds of sand and dust through the air.
Examples of "sandstorm" in Sentences
- That's the kind of sandstorm we're faced with right now.
- Now, the abutment is in a sandstorm, which is cemented with calcite, calcium carbonate.
- It's a bit of an unusual day here in Ramadi because there is a sandstorm which is why we got grounded.
- Another kind of sandstorm seems to be overtaking the pained hearts of Iraqi women, blocking out the sun over the entire country.
- Some said the archimandrite had fled, though others said she had been captured by Mishra, and still others said the sandstorm was her doing, as the banishing of the dragon engines had been
- Call felt sick with worry — the sandstorm was the worst possible luck, for it slowed down the herd and sapped the animals 'strength just when they needed all they had just to reach the water.
- Call felt sick with worry -- the sandstorm was the worst possible luck, for it slowed down the herd and sapped the animals 'strength just when they needed all they had just to reach the water.
- Some said the archimandrite had fled, though others said she had been captured by Mishra, and still others said the sandstorm was her doing, as the banishing of the dragon engines had been Hurkyl's.
- In the end I just can't imagine -- I still hold to my naive optimism that with troops in the field in Iraq and the budget deficit and trade deficit, that in the end virtually all voters are going to decide on consequential matters despite the kind of sandstorm that both sides are throwing up here at the end.
- Now, to my disordered brain, the sandstorm was a legion of pursuing fiends, that snatched at me from every gust and eddy; now, too, they were gaining on us, and I shrieked and fought with the imaginary demons as, in spite of the speed of the horses, the storm gained on us and enveloped us more and more at every stride.