IPA: sˈæŋgwɪn
- Blood colour; red.
- Anything of a blood-red colour, as cloth.
- (heraldry) A tincture, seldom used, of a blood-red colour (not to be confused with murrey).
- Bloodstone.
- Red crayon.
- To stain with blood; to impart the colour of blood to; to ensanguine.
- (literary) Having the colour of blood; blood red.
- (obsolete, physiology) Having a bodily constitution characterised by a preponderance of blood over the other bodily humours, thought to be marked by irresponsible mirth; indulgent in pleasure to the exclusion of important matters.
- Characterized by abundance and active circulation of blood.
- Warm; ardent.
- Anticipating the best; optimistic; confident; full of hope.
- (archaic) Full of blood; bloody.
- (archaic) Bloodthirsty.
Examples of "sanguine" in Sentences
- Despite the troubling situation, she remained sanguine about the outcome, believing everything would work out in the end
- His sanguine demeanor never wavered, even when faced with adversity
- The therapist's sanguine outlook helped her clients see the silver lining in difficult circumstances
- She approached each new challenge with a sanguine attitude, confident in her ability to overcome any obstacles
- The team leader's sanguine leadership style inspired confidence in the rest of the group, even in the face of uncertainty