
IPA: sˈænɪtaɪzd


  • made sanitary

Examples of "sanitized" in Sentences

  • How sanitized is Glee's version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
  • t in LA, it would take less than 30 days to have the entire East LA scourge 'sanitized' - for Good.
  • Accepted on faith that DD214 would be forthcoming ..... when it was received it had been "sanitized".
  • Then we brought -- then he brought in the generals and gave them a so - called sanitized version of our discussions.
  • Instead, he was promoted, and his performance reviews were "sanitized," with his obsession over extremists recast as counterterrorism research.
  • By stressing the story's uplifting qualities rather than the confusion and tragedy of 9/11, the creators left it bloodless and sanitized, which is a less than ideal condition for an opera.
  • That prompted the GOP campaign to leak a sanitized version to a conservative Scripps-Howard reporter, creating the opening for the columnists to "correct the record" with the seamy details.
  • And the other one is the exact opposite, what you might call the sanitized version, which presents Islam as a religion of love and peace, rather like the Quakers but without their aggressiveness.
  • This applied as well, Schulte said, to three other military sites which satellite pictures showed Syria "sanitized" - landscaping them and whisking away equipment - shortly after the IAEA asked to check them out. posted by GayandRight @ 3:48 PM
  • On the Iraqi front, I thought it was interesting he confirmed that the Security council will get the so-called sanitized document on Tuesday, and on Thursday, Hans Blix, I guess, will make some sort of presentation for the full Security Council.

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