
IPA: sɑrkˈoʊɫˈɛmʌ


  • (anatomy) A thin cell membrane that surrounds a striated muscle fibre.

Examples of "sarcolemma" in Sentences

  • Each cell has a well-defined nucleus, but the sarcolemma is absent.
  • Each fiber is enclosed within a delicate, transparent sheath, known as the sarcolemma.
  • They have no sarcolemma, stripes, or cross markings like those of the voluntary muscles.
  • Within the sarcolemma are minute fibrils and a semiliquid substance, called the _sarcoplasm_.
  • The striations, sarcolemma, and sometimes the nuclei and nerve plates, may be distinguished in such a preparation.
  • The fibrillæ, then, are bound together in a bundle to form a fiber, which is enveloped in its own sheath, the sarcolemma.
  • Moreover, the muscle fibers of the heart are peculiar in that they are destitute of sarcolemma, the naked muscle fibers directly touching each other.
  • The tip of the axon makes intimate contact with the sarcolemma (sahr'koh-Iem'ub; "skin of the flesh" G), which is the membrane enclosing the muscle fiber.
  • At each end the cell tapers to a point from which the sarcolemma appears to continue as a fine thread, and this, by attaching itself to the inclosing sheath, holds the cell in place.
  • These tubes may be represented grossly by imagining the finger of a glove, to be called the sarcolemma, or muscle - fiber pouch, and this to be so small as not to be apparent to the naked eye, but filled with nuclei and the juices peculiar to each animal.

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