IPA: sætɪsfˈæktrʌɫi
- In a satisfactory manner, in a manner adequate to requirements.
Examples of "satisfactorily" in Sentences
- She told me she had already handled my call satisfactorily, and hung up.
- But I suspect that he completed the entire term satisfactorily, or else I would know that there ` d been a breach.
- Professor Lorentz, with the aid of his electron theory, able to explain satisfactorily the phenomena discovered by Professor
- The story, although somewhat holey in places, still got where it needed to go and wrapped up satisfactorily, which is more than I can say for the bulk of what's coming out these days.
- The only thing I am not sure of having assimilated satisfactorily is something that the hardship of those experiences turned into virtues in those women and men: a naturally austere attitude towards life.
- Unless we strike "marriage" from the books, and choose to call all couples civil unions, or domestic partnerships, or whatever term satisfactorily removes the sanctity and spirituality from it, they will be, as they are now, separate.
- It does not explain satisfactorily, at least to me, why a game - a medium primarily used as, and indeed defined as, a form of entertainment and amusement - must be played, putting the player in the position, and mindset, of two psychotic murderers.
- Senators and Representatives, mainly on the right, but some also on the left, that benefit HUGELY, every year, and apparently quite satisfactorily from a "government run health program" ... which ALL Congressmen enjoy for FREE, should be the very FIRST to decry a similar program for the American citizens who are the very people that PAY for that perk?
- One thing that makes the Magnificent Octopus so difficult to work out satisfactorily is that there are two main strands to the plot, which seem to me to be inextricably entwined and necessary to one another: like the two themes in the second movement of Beethoven’s Seventh, which are so finely balanced that I never can make up my mind which one to hum.
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