IPA: sˈɔmɪɫ
- A machine, building or company used for cutting (milling) lumber, or (rarely) other hard materials such as stone.
- (transitive) To process (lumber) in a sawmill.
Examples of "sawmill" in Sentences
- A sawmill was the largest figure of the town, and the railway station was the center.
- A sawmill was the largest figure of the town, and the railway station was the centre.
- I do NOT like the cream gravy with sausage in it, however; I think they call it sawmill gravy.
- -- Visited the sawmill, which is romantically situated near the river, from whence there is a fine view of the valley.
- The loss of an arm in a sawmill was the pivotal point that gave us one of the best and strongest lawyers in Western New York.
- QM manufactures spherical roller bearing steel housed units and elastomeric and steel couplings used in demanding processes such as sawmill and logging operations.
- The Peckham boys from the sawmill were the first to respond, and five minutes later Hiram was on the spot, having seen the rising smoke and flare in the sky from Maple Lawn.
- Yet the sawmill was a conservatory of sorts for Maxine, Jim Ed and Bonnie, who early on revealed their musical precociousness by identifying exactly when a spinning saw blade had been properly tempered.
- I know that even then, had I answered him differently the matter would not have ended as it did, but my spirit rose proud and defiant, and I said with a tone of mock levity, 'How long a journey do you purpose taking, Mr. Blake? is it to the grist-mill, or to the sawmill, which is a little farther away?'