IPA: skˈævʌndʒɝ
- Someone who scavenges, especially one who searches through rubbish for food or useful things.
- An animal that feeds on decaying matter such as carrion.
- (UK, obsolete) A street sweeper.
- (UK, historical) A child employed to pick up loose cotton from the floor in a cotton mill.
- (chemistry) A substance used to remove impurities from the air or from a solution.
- (archaic) To scavenge.
- (archaic) To clean the rubbish from a street, etc.
Examples of "scavenger" in Sentences
- The scavenger roamed the forest, searching for leftover food scraps to sustain itself
- Scavengers play an important role in maintaining the ecosystem by feeding on dead animals
- The vulture is a well-known scavenger, often seen circling overhead in search of carrion
- Scavengers are opportunistic feeders, making use of whatever resources they can find
- The beachcomber acted as a scavenger, collecting shells and driftwood washed ashore by the tide