IPA: skˈuɫtʃaɪɫd
- A young person attending school or of an age to attend school.
Examples of "schoolchild" in Sentences
- They wanted me to be a schoolchild and ask basic questions, such as 'What is a medlar?'
- Its last report, in 2008, said almost $80,000 was necessary for two adults with one infant and one schoolchild.
- However, an English-language, state-run newspaper, the Global Times, told the US not to lecture Beijing like a "schoolchild".
- She quoted the first lines of Alexander Pushkin's "The Bronze Horseman," a poem every Russian schoolchild has learned by heart.
- Via The Daily What, who frequently considers employing a Japanese schoolchild rather than have to scour the internet for viral videos about Super Mario Bros.
- Every schoolchild in the country is taught that in 1833, the English illegally dislodged the Argentine population from the Falklands and replaced them with an occupying power.
- You've bust the site, it's bloody brilliant, you've bust the site with stats!" squealed Sam down the phone like a schoolchild who'd just discovered a 12 pack of "waterbombs" in his father's bedside drawer."
- In the words of Metro Board member and LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, himself a UCLA grad: "Any schoolchild will tell you that the center of the circle is in the middle of the circle and not at the edge or at the tangent."