IPA: skˈuɫhaʊs
- A building housing a school, especially a small or single-room one.
Examples of "schoolhouse" in Sentences
- The schoolhouse is bare and unlovely, without tree or flower.
- More far-reaching than the schoolhouse is the motion picture theater.
- We wanted to make it certain around the country that the schoolhouse is a safe place for children to learn.
- In another document this schoolhouse is described as "schola, anglice _schoolhouse_, ad borealem finem Aulæ prædictæ."
- "When you were growing up, how many times was I called the schoolhouse to answer to some wild tale you'd been telling your classmates?
- If they've destroyed a schoolhouse in your village, and they've burned down many, rebuild it first of all, because a schoolhouse is a pledge to the future.
- The schoolhouse is a dry stone structure of local granite and slate and comprises only two classrooms and a gray schoolyard beneath the shadow of the mountain.
- The building, on Alston Street several blocks south of Washington, was near the edge of town and hardly deserved to be called a schoolhouse at all -- schoolshed would have been a better word for it.
- SAGET: And the Whole purpose of the joke is what 15-year-old boys would laugh about behind the schoolhouse, which is here's the worse thing I've ever heard, and there's a joke that went around in showbiz for like 75 years, and I heard it, like, 20 years ago, but supposedly one of the -- Jack Benny told Gary Owens, who was in the movie, I found out at the premiere.