IPA: skˈuɫmæstɝ
- A male teacher.
- A male teacher in charge of a school, usually a small one.
- (figurative) Anything that teaches.
- To teach in the capacity of schoolmaster.
Examples of "schoolmaster" in Sentences
- "Domsie," as we called the schoolmaster, behind his back in
- The schoolmaster is a bear. — «Il est très grave et parfois un peu severe.
- The schoolmaster is the basis of Germany's commercial and industrial success.
- A good schoolmaster is a good schoolmaster – I don't care what else he calls himself.
- Charles the schoolmaster is not anything like Charles any where else, he is quite another creature, as I always told you.
- "The law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith, but _after that faith is come we are no longer under a schoolmaster_.
- Let all encouragement be given to the "working man" who takes advantage of the fact that the schoolmaster is abroad, but do not encourage the "working man" in bookmaking.
- He told me also a curious conversation amongst three grooms, at which Wrightson had assisted the day before in a railway carriage, clearly indicating to what an alarming extent the schoolmaster is abroad!
- The schoolmaster is not yet regarded as the mightiest moral agent of the earth; the true vicegerent of the spirit from above, by which alone the soul is truly taught to plume her wings and shape her course for Heaven.
- "Lady Lothrop and Lois Badger and I have been talking together, and we think the boys might as well go up too to your academy, as our present schoolmaster is not very competent, and you will give them a thorough fitting for college."