
IPA: saɪʌntˈɪfɪk


  • Of, or having to do with science.
  • Having the quality of being derived from, or consistent with, the scientific method.
  • In accord with procedures, methods, conduct and accepted conventions of modern science.

Examples of "scientific" in Sentences

  • The only difference was that they justified their greediness by business whereas the Aras justified their lack of qualms by the label scientific progress.
  • Despite the 1986 International Whaling Commission moratorium on commercial whaling Japan is permitted to kill nearly 1,000 whales each year for what it calls scientific research.
  • it's just a matter of not understanding what the term scientific theory means Judging from the comments here, you would have to conclude it is the progressives that are against science.
  • What Googled list does not contain is any scientific discussion and there is plenty in modern science which is pressing “scientific consensus” as an argument of validity for some theory.
  • Over their eight years in power, President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have vowed to steer officials away from the blind pursuit of growth, instead advocating what they term "scientific development."
  • Over their eight years in power, President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have vowed to steer officials away from the blind pursuit of growth, instead advocating what they term "scientific development".
  • As the scientific group pointed out, "agricultural and veterinary leaders continue to believe, in spite of overwhelming ­scientific evidence to the contrary, that the main approach to cattle TB control must involve some form of badger population control".
  • Fifty years ago, C.P. Snow was shocked to learn that most of his supposedly highly educated friends, who might look down their nose at someone who could not quote Shakespeare and the Bible, were totally ignorant of mass and acceleration, not to mention the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which he called the scientific equivalent of asking: "Can you read?"
  • Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions made scientific revolutions, and historical development and concrete scientific practices more generally, central topics in science studies and established the best known account of both revolutionary and non-revolutionary (normal) science ” so well known that his account has largely pre-empted the term ˜scientific revolution™.
  • Excellent patterns, celestial exemplars, of the things required were held up to it; and endless declamation and argument why it should be that, and not the other, were not wanting: -- but as to any scientific inquiry into the nature of the thing on which this form was to be superinduced, as to any _scientific_ exhibition of the form itself which was to be superinduced, these so essential conditions of the proposed result, were in this case alike wanting.

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