IPA: skɫɪraɪt
- (biology) A hardened body part, especially in arthropod exoskeletons.
Examples of "sclerite" in Sentences
- Orbital sclerite: a narrow sclerite encircling some eyes.
- Metasternal episterna: sclerite situated on each side of the
- Plate: any broad flattened piece or sclerite: = squame, in Coccidae.
- Metasternal epimera: small sclerite separating the metasternal episterna from the ventral segments.
- Ocular lobes: of brain = procerebrum; q.v. Ocular sclerite: the first or protocerebral segment of the head.
- Cardo, pl. Cardines: the hinge or basal sclerite of the maxilla by means of which it is jointed to the head.
- Metinfraepisternum: in Odonata; the sclerite just above base of 3d coxa; below metepisternum and before metepimeron.
- Palpifer: any palpus-bearing part: specifically, a small sclerite hearing the maxillary palpus and itself articulated to the stipes.
- Ante-coxal piece: Coleoptera; that portion of the metasternum lying in front of the posterior coxae, often passing between them and meeting the abdomen of mandible, is the lateral sclerite of the clypeus; - one on each side.
- Mentum: a labial sclerite bearing the movable parts; attached to and sometimes fused with the sub-mentum; corresponds to the (united) stipes of maxillae: in Coleoptera, what is usually called mentum is really submentum: in Diptera, the term is applied to the posterior oral margin: in Hymenoptera, is part of "tongue," the second joint bearing the labial palpi, paraglossae and ligula.