IPA: skɫɪrʌtˈiniʌ
- any fungus of the genus sclerotinia; some causing brown rot diseases in plants
Examples of "sclerotinia" in Sentences
- This year has seen many more crops sprayed for sclerotinia than would usually be the case.
- Some Indiana soybean fields in 2009 were hit with sclerotinia stem rot, commonly known as white mold.
- In winter oilseed rape now is the time when we see whether the sclerotinia spray programme has been successful or not.
- I am planning a routine sclerotinia spray, or even two in high risk situations, based around boscalid or prothioconazole.
- Sclerotinia - Assessing RiskAssessing risk of sclerotinia attacks after two consecutive years of high infection will be high on ...
- Winter oilseed rape has had its mid / late flowering fungicide for sclerotinia and this should also give some protection against alternaria.
- With early crops at the yellow bud to first flowers opening stage, this is a slight compromise, which will confuse the main sclerotinia spray timing.
- Common diseases of sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) such as downy mildew, septoria leaf spot, rust and sclerotinia wilt are regarded as potential problems.
- "Flowering takes just three weeks and as all branches flower simultaneously you can get all the sclerotinia protection you need from a single spray in the first week of flowering."