IPA: skoʊɫˈoʊpæks
- type of the scolopacidae: old world woodcocks
Examples of "scolopax" in Sentences
- (scolopax); the coot, or water-hen, ayam ayer (fulica); and the plover, cheruling (charadrius).
- For a case somewhat analogous to that suggested see the description of O. scolopax in "Fertilisation of
- (scolopax rusticola); wood snipe (scolopax fedoa); waterhen (alea arctica? vel fulica ehloropus?) quail
- Similar stories can be told of O. sphegodes, the early spider Orchid; O. fuciflora, the late spider orchid; and O. scolopax, the woodcock orchid.
- I shot one, and ascertained it to be a variety of scolopax arquata; and perceived, after I noticed the fact, that the alarm was invariably given.
- It was a calm still evening and warm, the wood-cock (scolopax) chirruping high up in the air, gently descends by spiral circular tract, and alights on the humid plain: this bird appears in Pennsylvania early in the spring, when the Elm and Maple begin to flower, and here the scarlet Maple, Elm and Alder began to shew their flowers, the yellow Jasmin just ready to open its fragrant golden blossoms, and the gay Azalea also preparing to expand its beauties.