IPA: skɔrbjˈutʌk
- Of, pertaining to, or suffering from scurvy.
Examples of "scorbutic" in Sentences
- All the cresses are anti-scorbutic, that is, useful against the scurvy.
- Army doctors on the frontier learned to use the needles as a scorbutic.
- Our men began again to fall sick, and two of them dropped down on the deck in a kind of scorbutic appoplexy, but recovered on being let blood.
- The emplastrum de minio made to cover the whole of a swelled leg in this manner, whether the swelling is hard, which is usually termed scorbutic; or more easily compressible, as in anasarca, reduces the limb in two or three days to its natural size; for this purpose
- To prevent scurvy we used the juice of the maguey plant, called pulque, and to obtain a supply of this anti-scorbutic I was often detailed to march the company out about forty miles, cut the plant, load up two or three wagons with the stalks, and carry them to camp.
- [Page 71] * In the diseases produced by bad food, such as scorbutic dysentery and diarrhoea, the patient's stomach often craves for and digests things, some of which certainly would be laid down in no dietary that ever was invented for sick, and especially not for such sick.
- When these capillary glands become inflamed, a still more viscid or even cretaceous humour is produced upon the surfaces of the membranes, which is the cause or the effect of rheumatism, gout, leprosy, and of hard tumours of the legs, which are generally termed scorbutic; all which will be treated of hereafter.
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