IPA: skˈɔrbˈutʌs
- (pathology) The disease scurvy.
Examples of "scorbutus" in Sentences
- (_Synonyms: _ Scurvy; Sea Scurvy; Purpura Scorbutica.) #Describe scorbutus.
- Others are sheer folk etymology, like scheurbuik ` ripping belly 'for scurvy (Lat. scorbutus).
- Could those symptoms be owing to very extensive adhesions of the lungs? or is this a scorbutus pulmonalis?
- The name Buckbean is perhaps a corruption of _scorbutus_, scurvy; this giving it another title, "scurvy bean."
- The approximation of these two cases to sea-scurvy is peculiar, and may allow them to be called scorbutus pulmonalis.
- The name scurvy comes from the Latin scorbutus, and humans have known about the disease since ancient Greek and Egyptian times ...
- "To his sagacity we are indebted for the first impulse to those regulations by which scorbutus is so successfully prevented in our navy."
- = Scurvy = — “scorbutus” of medical writers — is a disease which, even in its incipient and early stages, when its presence is often unsuspected, is most injurious to the skin and complexion.
- This indicates on the one hand that the substance is an acid, on the other hand that it has a counteracting effect on scurvy, the medical name of which is scorbutus; thus the word ascorbic acid is equivalent to anti-scurvy acid.