IPA: skˈɝdʒ
- A source of persistent trouble such as pestilence that causes pain and suffering or widespread destruction.
- A means to inflict such pain or destruction.
- A whip, often of leather and often multi-tailed.
- To strike with a scourge; to flog.
Examples of "scourge" in Sentences
- "Kevin Rudd as previous prime minister had indicated his intention to deal with what he called the scourge of it," he said.
- Rose is safe and he thinks he can do it again; sacrifice the lives on one planet to wipe the Dalek scourge from the face of the universe.
- If necessary, we will wipe the scourge from the face of the earth, from every corner, every hole, every cave, and from every dark, dingy quarter.
- The identity theft scourge is only going to get worse in 2008 as perpetrators -- in pursuit of easy money -- get younger and pop up in developing countries.
- Yet in reassuring the public that the economy will return to normal he has missed a key opportunity to expose the longer-term scourge of widening inequality and its dangers.
- Despite the criticism of the new legislation, Law Minister Shafique Ahmed insists it is the only way to eradicate what he describes as the scourge of "professional" begging controlled by criminal gangs.