IPA: skrˈæpaɪ
- A degenerative prion disease of sheep and goats that attacks the central nervous system.
Examples of "scrapie" in Sentences
- "I didn't drive it particularly well, so I was a little 'scrapie' on the front nine," he said.
- Extensive search through the model parameter space produced only long-term scrapie persistence for ε3 ≥ 0.01.
- The steady state prevalence is however the same for different values of β1 corresponding to long-term scrapie persistence (
- BSE originated in the early 1980s when cattle were fed by-products from sheep suffering from a brain disease called scrapie, whose cause appears to be a chemically stable protein aggregate called a prion.
- For many years after their discovery as the agents of some rare neurodegenerative diseases in mammals, such as scrapie in sheep and human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and kuru, prions have remained a truly esoteric research topic.
- Although well-established in scrapie and, more recently, in BSE, comparatively little is known about the possibility of prion strains in chronic wasting disease (CWD), a disease affecting free ranging and captive cervids, primarily in North America.
- According to Richard Rhodes '"Deadly Feasts", all about the mutation of the disease called "scrapie" in sheep that became BSE in cows, then Creutzfeld-Jakob in humans, those unused brains and bones have been ground up and used in fertilizer as well as, at one time, cattle feed.
- However, to test the broader implications of our results, simulations carried out with different dominance assumptions (i.e. SL/RH genotypes are also susceptible to scrapie and have different lamb mortality rates than SL/SL genotypes) resulted in similar long-term scrapie persistence patterns, albeit for different ranges of model parameters.