
IPA: skrˈætʃpæd


  • A pad of paper for preliminary notes or sketches or writings, etc.
  • (computing, in transaction processing systems) A piece of temporary memory to hold details of a current conversation, usually scratchpad memory.

scratch pad

IPA: skrˈætʃpˈæd


  • Alternative form of scratchpad [A pad of paper for preliminary notes or sketches or writings, etc.]

Examples of "scratchpad" in Sentences

    Examples of "scratch-pad" in Sentences

    • The operator seized a scratch-pad, copied the telegram and cautiously
    • Then, seating himself at the table, he tore a sheet from a scratch-pad and wrote:
    • Can we start him a scratch-pad thread off to the side where he can feel free to brainstorm?
    • Some people treat their blog as a scratch-pad or diary, while others treat it as journalism.
    • Craft a supremely cheap and furniture-saving scratch-pad for your feline friends with this tutorial from the Design Sponge blog.
    • The other notable addition to the Live beta is the image search scratch-pad – which lets you save individual images to a sidebar over several searches.
    • In his white-painted steerage berth Mr. Wrenn lay, with a scratch-pad on his raised knees and a small mean pillow doubled under his head, writing sample follow-up letters to present to the
    • In his white-painted steerage berth Mr. Wrenn lay, with a scratch-pad on his raised knees and a small mean pillow doubled under his head, writing sample follow-up letters to present to the Souvenir and Art Novelty Company, interrupting his work at intervals to add to a list of the books which, beginning about five minutes after he landed in New York, he was going to master.
    • IN his white-painted steerage berth Mr. Wrenn lay, with a scratch-pad on his raised knees and a small mean pillow doubled under his head, writing sample follow-up letters to present to the Souvenir and Art Novelty Company, interrupting his work at intervals to add to a list of the books which, beginning about five minutes after he landed in New York, he was going to master.
    • Truth, however, compels me to state that what he studied was not his German, although he had a recitation coming in forty minutes, but two sheets of buff paper torn from a scratch-pad and filled with writing interspersed with numerals and adorned with strange diagrams, in short, Tim's elucidation of the eight numbered plays which up to the present comprised Brimfield's budget of tricks.

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