IPA: skrˈɔɫ
- Irregular, possibly illegible handwriting.
- A hastily or carelessly written note etc.
- Writing that lacks literary merit.
- (countable, uncommon) A broken branch of a tree.
- (uncommon) The young of the dog-crab.
- (transitive) To write something hastily or illegibly.
- (intransitive) To write in an irregular or illegible manner.
- (intransitive) To write unskilfully and inelegantly.
- To creep; crawl; to move slowly, with difficulty, fearfully, or stealthily.
Examples of "scrawl" in Sentences
- With thine own name scrawl'd through it, defacing a soul? "
- I recall the scrawl that ran just below the "McDonald's": "10,000 hamburgers served."
- It displays a curious-looking scrawl which is the monogram of the first absolute king!
- This series of paintings takes as its title a scrawl of graffiti on a rock-cut along the Trans Canada Highway near Sudbury.
- There was no other copy in existence except the original scrawl, which is now lying up stairs in an old trunk full of papers.
- Judging by my scrawl, which is worse than usual, I should say the anxiety had left its mark, but I am none the worse otherwise.
- She filled out a consent form and held the clipboard under his hand so Gene could scrawl his initials, which he was able to do unsteadily.
- We passed through bustling Hispanic neighborhoods filled with colorful bodegas and the smells of hot frying food, and through quieter areas where the signs were in Asian scrawl.
- For anyone who has been unlucky enough to befall the horrors of my handwriting, firstly I say I’m sorry – but secondly – if I did that, I would have no idea what I have just written – much less the scrawl from a day ago. thank goodness for spellchecker as my typing is just as bad – but at least the letters are uniformly shaped.