
IPA: skrˈitʃɝ


  • (dated) A bird of the former category Picariae, distinguished from the songbirds.
  • A bird, the common swift, Apus apus.

Examples of "screecher" in Sentences

  • This was a career-aborting farce from a no-talent screecher.
  • The more exposure to the MooseRack screecher the more people who are turned off by her empty headed rhetoric.
  • While Arturo's a great screecher, no one's better than the late, great Maynard Ferguson whom I grew up listening to.
  • "A P.A. announcer is not a cheerleader, or a circus barker, or a hometown screecher," the epitome of the old-school style once said.
  • When she was in her 20s, she would apparently become an “incoherent screecher” whenever boyfriends broke up with her, which seems to have been often.
  • She was an effective screecher, because of her fright-wig; they quickly agreed and huddled down into the gully, their gross bodies filling it from side to side.
  • They were excellent hosts; and it was particularly great seeing my great-nephew, now two years old and quite possibly the loudest screecher on the face of the planet.
  • This isn't to say that the back-room bigot is any better than the street-corner screecher, but in so-called “polite” society, the latter is an embarrassment simply not worth being associated with.

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