IPA: skrˈɪbʌɫ
- Careless, hasty writing, doodle or drawing
- (transitive, intransitive) To write or draw carelessly and in a hurry.
- To doodle.
- To write badly; to work as an inferior author or journalist.
- (obsolete, transitive) To card or tease (wool) coarsely; to run through a scribbler.
Examples of "scribble" in Sentences
- To arrest Lee for that scribble is completely out of proportion.
- I see you are always _at it_ in the old way -- _scribble, scribble, scribble_! "
- Your dilectissime [sic] letter of the l6th arrived this morning and I must scribble a word of reply.
- Fockers, Terri Polo (that's Polo, as in horses, not as in chicken) has what's best described as a scribble on her left breast (alongside a wonky heart).
- Reilly recalled a scribble on a NOAA white board during the early days of the spill indicating that officials immediately realized the leak could be much bigger.
- The researchers studied the activity of two genes in fruits flies: RAS that is responsible for 30 percent of cancers and a gene called scribble that thwarts cancer, but promotes it if it becomes mutated.