IPA: skrˈupʌɫz
- motivation deriving logically from ethical or moral principles that govern a person's thoughts and actions
Examples of "scruples" in Sentences
- Perhaps you call her scruples fantastic, her sense of guilt morbid.
- The Saint comforts and strengthens this sister against certain scruples which she had.
- What shows no scruples is someone breaking a “10 commandment” by “bearing false witness”.
- This right extended to allowing for so-called scruples of church officers when subscribing to the Westminster Standards.
- "peculiarities," as they called his scruples, it is hardly surprising that the youngster comes out a good way to meet his patrons.
- He lacks any scruples, is possibly the least intelligent, and has not only destroyed the American way of life to a certain extent, but has totally disrupted global dynamics.
- Watch Hillary the Movie its available on you will realize that to become president of this free country you have to have some kind of scruples, which is everything she lacks.
- To their apprehensions, it was no less a matter of surprise, that any individuals should entertain scruples against complying with the established mode of worship, than if they had conceived a sudden abhorrence to the manners, the dress, or the language of their native country.
- My dear father, alas! from prudential scruples, is sadly averse to this transaction, and my heart is heavy from his evident ill-will to it - yet he has not refused his consent - and circumstances are such that I feel myself bound in honour, and even in necessity, to here fix my fate, or to relinquish, for ever, a person the most peculiarly to my taste, and whom I think the most peculiarly formed for my happiness of any mortal I ever saw or ever knew in my life.
- I was, however, very glad to receive part of this money, on account of certain scruples which I had, for in these foundations many circumstances happen which require me to spend something, however careful I may be, and sometimes I spend all I have on these foundations; yet I know I might give less than I do in certain matters, about which I consult learned men (for, to such I always mention the affairs of my soul), though no doubt I often consult them about mere trifles.