IPA: skrˈupjʌɫʌsnʌs
- (uncountable) The property of being scrupulous.
- (countable) The result or product of being scrupulous.
Examples of "scrupulousness" in Sentences
- I think that sort of scrupulousness is very ill-bred, if you'll excuse my saying so, Rose.
- Has there been a decline in scrupulousness which tends to obscure boundaries between physics and metaphyscis?
- "scrupulousness" she contrived to communicate pretty freely by means of Parry, her cofferer, and others, with the outside world.
- Not your typical blood and guts zombie story, no, but Swanwick's story of corporate scrupulousness is just as harrowing, if not more so.
- Up to this time the press had been amusingly tolerant and good-naturedly sensational about him, but now he was to learn what virulent scrupulousness an antagonized press was capable of.
- But nothing came of his efforts to get himself released, and the unequal contest between his "scrupulousness," and Elizabeth's astute, unfathomable diplomacy was still to be waged for many months.
- "scrupulousness" in the discharge of his duty, a charge which is in itself a magnificent vindication, for the Elizabeth of history was not one to forgive a man who had failed in the smallest degree to pay her the homage due to her rank.
- We observe in her no prompting of enthusiasm, of sympathetic charitableness, or of religious scrupulousness, that is, none of those grand moral impulses which are characteristic of Christian piety, and which were predominant in St. Louis.
- It would not have been surprising if Sir Henry Bedingfeld had fallen more or less into disgrace at this time, for Elizabeth might now, if she had wished, made him feel the effects of his "scrupulousness" during the period of her captivity.
- To a religious scrupulousness, which is alarmed at a drop of medicine that is prohibited falling upon their clothes, they add the most enterprising and determined spirit of commercial enterprise, plunging into The Desert, often in companies of only two or three, when infested with bandits and cut-throats, their journies the meanwhile extending from the shores of the Mediterranean to the banks of the Niger, as low down to the Western Coast as Noufee and Rabbah.