IPA: skrˈaɪ
- (obsolete) A cry or shout.
- A flock of wildfowl.
- To predict the future using crystal balls or other objects.
- (obsolete) To descry; to see.
- (obsolete) To proclaim.
Examples of "scry" in Sentences
- Rydstrom told Sabine, “Cwena, the witch will scry for Lanthe—”
- Perhaps she was using the surface of the water to scry into her future.
- Dee was haunted by his shortcomings: "You know I cannot see, nor scry" he lamented.
- Annika had already warped past aneurismal straight into action, dispatching search parties and hiring witches to scry.
- Perhaps tomorrow she would scry as well, but she had been afraid to do that for fear of what her spell would show her.
- This was the place he had seen that time he'd tried to scry in the forest pool, the hilltop covered with warring Demons.
- Who has that crystal ball s/he can scry and come up with the certainty that it's okay to torture this one because we are *sure.
- The Savant (aka nobody knows his identity) - cybernetic mathematical supergenius who can scry into the futures of many possible timelines.