IPA: skˈʌmbʌɫ
- An opaque kind of glaze (layer of paint).
- To apply an opaque glaze to an area of a painting to make it softer or duller.
- To apply a painted pattern to the finish of a piece of furniture to simulate the woodgrain of another timber, as for example to give pine an appearance of oak.
Examples of "scumble" in Sentences
- Could one use the wax as a glaze then scumble oil paint over it?
- If it's a transparentized scumble or glaze layer, it sure has lost a lot of opacity.
- Now scumble this with a big brush equally over the whole canvas (or whatever you are making your study on).
- She chose “The Last Lunar Baedekar” by Mina Loy, to scumble and work over to create her own startling and original poems.
- From 18 inches away the scumble looks so painterly as to feel too sloppy... from 10 feet away, the effect is astonishingly lifelike, present.
- Merriam-Webster defines “scumble” as partly “to make as color or a painting less brilliant by covering with a thin coat of opaque or semiopaque color.”
- When I did comics I was always fighting the detail issue; when to scumble in a background, when to draw it out in detail, and when to just leave it out entirely...
- Where the form turns more to the light in the brightly illuminated halftones, you can scumble a light tone overall, saving your strongest touches of pure white for the highlights and accents.
- I should advise you to let it dry, and then scumble a middle tone right over the whole thing, as you did at first, which will show the old work through, and you can then correct your drawing and proceed to paint the lights and shadows as before.
- Where conditions were right (neither too much nor too little sun, for instance up near the house itself) a scumble of colors occurred in Spring, attracting swarms of bees and butterflies — among these: Silver-spotted Skippers (Epargyreus clarus clarus) and American Coppers (Lycaena phlaes americana) — in abundance.