IPA: skˈɝʌɫʌsɫi
- In a scurrilous manner.
Examples of "scurrilously" in Sentences
- All cases of the Tories campaigning negatively, acting scurrilously and shamelessly.
- Yes, they were scurrilously trying to undermine Joe Wilson, but how did this smear Wilson?
- That Cheney would abandon his scurrilously low profile and absolved air to abruptly attempt exoneration of anything is salient.
- And but so since she was funny, sometimes scurrilously so, people invited her to parties, and while they got wasted, she got funny.
- In the LoopThe leadup to a war suspiciously like Bush's war in Iraq is the background of this scurrilously funny English satire, which skewers politicians on both sides of the Atlantic.
- Following news of Bernard Madoff's $50 billion scandal, Mr. Madoff was scurrilously reprimanded by the justice system, with an order imprisoning him to house arrest in his $7 million Manhattan apartment.
- I think it is a lot harder to go scurrilously (and falsely) negative when the words have to spew forth from one's own mouth, as opposed to surrogates and imagery doing the dirty work for someone who can then distance themselves from the mudslinging.
- It is fascinating that as proof of my irrational "anger" Wehner produces a column I wrote irate about the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth ... who questioned John Kerry's military service and patriotism, and were scurrilously wrong on almost every count.
- And not only entirely false, but now AOL -- scurrilously -- has this on their opening page with a picture of Michelle Obama, and written as a teaser in a way that gives casual browsers the impression it is all true, that she engaged in the rumored conduct!
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