
IPA: sˈifɛrɝ


  • A sailor or mariner.
  • One who travels by sea.

Examples of "seafarer" in Sentences

  • The maritime industry has what's called a seafarer's penalty wage.
  • The "Birkenhead drill" meant a seafarer stared death in the eye while the weaker sex was rowed to safety.
  • Issue: Whether a person engaged in a maritime trade, who is not a seaman or a longshore worker, is a "seafarer" under
  • Granted, the geographically-challenged seafarer from five centuries ago does not elicit the personal enmity afforded the more recent figures and their actions.
  • But a well-instilled concept of duty told the captain how he must behave as the seafarer with ultimate responsibility for the ship and her crew: he must, if it could at all be managed, be the last man off.
  • On the green and beige command deck, Varaan moved to stand between the command chair and the tactical consoles that were under the main viewer, with his hands behind his back like some ancient seafarer braving the wind and water on the prow of his ship.

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