IPA: sˈɛkʃʌnʌɫɪzʌm
- Promoting the good of one division, department or subgroup over that of the whole.
- (politics) Promoting the good of one region over that of the nation.
Examples of "sectionalism" in Sentences
- The country was torn apart by sectionalism during the Civil War, with the North and South fighting over different economic interests
- Sectionalism became a major dividing factor in the political landscape, with regions prioritizing their own needs over the well-being of the nation as a whole
- Many historians argue that sectionalism was a key factor in the eventual dissolution of the United States as a unified nation during the 19th century
- The issue of slavery exacerbated sectionalism, leading to bitter conflicts and deepening divides between the North and South
- The concept of sectionalism continues to shape political discourse today, as regions grapple with differing priorities and ideologies