IPA: sˈɛkjʌɫɝɪst
- A person who believes in or supports secularism.
Examples of "secularist" in Sentences
- She's a "secularist," blaming 'the stupid' on religion.
- Seems to me the the motto of the secularist is "the only good Christian is a silent one."
- In theology, a kind of secularist religion is emerging in the work of Michael Hampson (God Without God) and John Shelby Spong (Jesus for the Non-Religious).
- The most remarkable alteration in secularist thinking over the past century has been its abandonment of natural law in favor of dismissing “reason” as a human construct.
- And if you would allow wearing of crosses, but ban burkas … Or, maybe support the banning of both (as is the inclination (if not the legal situation …?) in secularist France …?
- No. The debate of whether to work with theists and mdoerate christians, or view them as "part of the problem" has been a strong theme in secularist groups for a very long time, and continue to present day.
- The leader of Turkey 's main secularist opposition is tearing up the rule book of the party that Ataturk built, as he tries to build a credible alternative to the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
- By relying on a dated epistemology, itself the product of the very kind of secularist "belief system" he claims has no place in the justification of law, Laws has obscured the proper relationship between religion and law.
- Turkey has been a hotbed of debate between Islam and secularism recently with the election of President Abdullah Gül, whose first bid was blocked by the Constitutional court in secularist concern for his views on Islam and the fact his wife wears the hijab.