IPA: sɪdˈʌkʃʌn
- The act of seducing.
- (dated, law, in English common law) The felony of, as a man, inducing a previously chaste unmarried female to engage in sexual intercourse on a promise of marriage.
Examples of "seduction" in Sentences
- The third and most important element of seduction is giving your characters a goal.
- In an attempt to discover the truth about each other, both Riane and Nick decide seduction is the best tactic.
- Education curator Peggy Burchenal questions Tostmann's decision to put the word seduction'' in the working title.
- She is hardly knows what to say when she arrives at the home of singer Delysia LaFosse and finds her wearing “the kind of foamy robe, no mere dressing gown, worn by the most famous of stars in seduction scenes in the films.”
- She doesn't try to suspend our disbelief; seduction is best done with a wink, not a lie, and Anderson deliberately scales her projections and even her vocal distortions absurdly, dwarfing herself with the very amplification of her sounds and her vision.
- Though the novel's frank depiction of homosexual pickup and seduction is excised from the screenplay, there is still an insinuation of homosexuality in Monty's line, Well, I just mean that Mitchell's not the kind of guy who knows the scoop on things like this.
- A two-year study into the role of humour in seduction has found that the most effective way for a man to get a woman interested in him is through self-deprecating jokes: 'Many studies show that a sense of humour is sexually attractive, especially to women,' he said.