IPA: sˈɛdʌm
- Any of various succulent plants, of the genus Sedum, native to temperate zones; the stonecrop
Examples of "sedum" in Sentences
- But if you really want a plant, how about some kind of sedum?
- The sedum is a good idea if it gets put on its side, but I was thinking of having it stand up to show the pretty rim.
- The Journal also reported that the roof will be planted mostly with sedum, which is a hardy, drought-resistant succulent.
- Another closely related plant with exquisite orange-red flowers, which in some books bears the Latin name sedum is roseroot.
- We are offering a wide assortment of perennials and native plants, such as sedum, purple cone flower, lilies, annuals, vegetables, houseplants and miscellaneous.
- But there are some perennial species, such as sedum, perennial mums, and hydrangea, and even annuals like pansies, that can maintain their blooms until the first snows.
- My delphinium virtually pulled apart in my hands, but others such as sedum, campanula and cardoon may need prising apart with force, or even cutting into portions with a knife or spade.
- The English name House Leek denotes _leac_ (Anglo-Saxon) a plant growing on the house; and another appellation of its genus, sedum, comes from the Latin _sedare_, to soothe, and subdue inflammations, etc.
- Moving to the other side of the road, which coincidentally happened to be upwind, I also found the asters blooming like crazy, mixed in with a bunch of yellow succulents, that I would have called sedum, but now I'm not so sure.